Intel buys 15% of the business, "Hare" Maps

Intel revealed the American manufacturer of processors for personal computers for the purchase of 15% of the shares of the German company "Hare" specializing in digital mapping and routing maps for users of smart phones and the car industry.
Owned "Hare" to a coalition of three major German carmakers, are: BMW, Daimler and Audi, a subsidiary of Volkswagen, which was purchased in 2015 from the Finnish company Nokia for $ 2.6 billion.
There were no details about the value of a deal to buy Intel this percentage of the shares of "Hair," but it became a major contributor and partner in the "Hare" maps to the three cars mentioned manufacturing companies.
Intel aims to Hare and joint development of the necessary technology to support real-time traffic updates and the conditions of the roads that are used to enable and ensure the full safety of the self-driving vehicles, according to the Wall Street Journal.
The two companies also said they plan to explore other business opportunities to develop services that are using location data generated by vehicles and passengers.
The two companies did not give details of the deal, but they have said that it is expected to be completed during the first three months of this year after the completion of regulatory approvals. Taking into account the value of the acquisition of German companies on the "Hare" in 2015, the value of shares bought by Intel could reach $ 375 million.
It is dominated by the three German companies listed on the global market of luxury cars, and apart from the competition, including the acquisition of the "Hare" came as a means to control the maps prepared by the vitality of companies self-driving vehicle technology.
It seems that Intel is preparing itself to enter this technical field accelerated growth, in another sign of the erosion of the dividing lines between the technology industry and conventional cars.
In this regard, the CEO of "Hare" Adzard Overpeck says that he "can help accelerate Intel's ambitions in this area Hare support making platform defining a global digital sites updated always stretches across the vehicle and the clouds and anything else connected to the Internet."


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